Tomball FFA
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TISD Project Show

The 2025 TISD Project Show will be January 21-25, 2025

1.   Why should I raise an animal for the project show?

Each animal in FFA is referred to as an experience. It is a vital part of a well rounded FFA program to have a supervised agricultural experience (SAE). This SAE will take dedication and hard work, but come show time, you will be rewarded not only monetarily but also by gaining personal characteristics like responsibility, time management and a great work ethic which are valuable traits when applying for college and/or a career.
2.   If I do want to raise an animal for Tomball ISD Project Show, what do I do?
First, you must be enrolled in at least 1 Ag Science course at your high school. That can be a semester class. Then make sure you pay your FFA dues to join and become an annual FFA member. Following that, you and a parent needs to attend the mandatory meeting to pay for the animal of your choice. If you are interested in raising a steer or turkeys, those pay meetings are at the beginning of March to raise them for the following years show.  See calendar for dates, times, and locations.  All other animals (pigs, lambs, broilers, and rabbits) will be paid for at the mandatory meeting which is at the beginning of September for the January show.
3.   Do I HAVE to raise an animal to be in FFA?
No - raising an animal is a choice; however it is encouraged. It will change your life. You may simply join FFA to participate in Leadership and Career Development Events as well as other FFA opportunities. Contact your ag teacher for more information in these fun opportunities!
4.   What if I want to raise an animal but do not have the funds to? 
It's your lucky day (maybe) - The Hudson Folkerts Memorial Foundation offers scholarships to help students that are in financial need to raise an animal. Go to their website at where you can find the application to turn in. Please pay attention to deadlines to have them turned in. It will be prior to the mandatory meetings in order for the foundation to evaluate and approve. The foundation will pay TISD FFA directly and you will have an account set up at a feed store for your feed.

To view the TISD Project Show Handbook please click HERE


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